We offer free ground shipping for orders of $500+ placed in the U.S. If you would like to receive your order more quickly, we also offer expedited shipping options. Regardless of the shipping method chosen, it takes 1-2 business days for us to fulfill your order if the item is in stock. Made-to-order items will take 7-10 days to fulfill before they are ready to ship. The shipping time frame starts when your order has been processed and is ready to be picked up by our shipping carrier. Please note that we do not ship to P.O. Boxes.


Free Shipping on all orders above $500.

$15 flat rate for orders under $500.

Return Flat rate of $20 using DHL Express.

To make a return, please visit: [email protected]

Duties and taxes are included at checkout.

Duties and taxes are calculated based on the items ordered, your shipment destination, and the value of your purchase.